European Civil Procedure


Determination of international jurisdiction and foreign decision enforcement within the European Union.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Helena Brito,Mariana França Gouveia


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 112

Teaching language

Available soon


Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Teaching method

Classes of this discipline are taught in an interactive system. Based on the theoretical knowledge transmitted by professor, students shall present interactive displays about subjects comprised in the

program. Practical approach, by solving cases and analysing case-law.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method will be the general one for the course - final written exam -, taking into account the work developed during the semester.

According to the Regulations of NOVA School of Law, it is possible the approval in this discipline following the continuous evaluation method.

In any case, there will be the final written exam for students who do not wish to be continuously evaluated or who seek to improve the grade resulting from the continuous evaluation process.



Subject matter




I - Sources of law in European Civil Procedure

1. Harmonisation in International Civil Procedure

2. Communitarisation / Europeanization in International Civil Procedure

3. Acts adopted in the European Union with relevance for the course

4. Effects of the force of European Regulations in relation to domestic law


II - International jurisdiction

1. General aspects

2. Grounds of jurisdiction

3. Lis pendens and related actions


III - Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements

1. The purpose of the free movement of judgments

2. General principles


IV - Judicial cooperation in civil matters having cross-border implications

1. Concept and modalities

2. Service of documents

3. Taking of evidence

4. Representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers 

5. Information on Foreign Law

6. Other measures of judicial cooperation