Fundamental Social Rights
1. The context
2. Social Rights and the Constitution
3. Methodological Questions
Chapter I
The structure of Social Rights
1. Functions, scope and content
2. The distinction between rights to benefits, equality rights and rights of defence
3. The distinction between rights of protection, social rights and rights of organization and procedure
Chapter II
The different «status» of Social Rights
1. The different «positivation techniques» of Social Rights
2. Rights, claims and expectations
3. Social Rights and public policies
4. The need for the «concretization» of Social Rights
5. The graduability in the realization of Social Rights
6. The principles of confidence, legal security and the clause of social non-reversibility
Chapter III
The guarantee of Social Rights through binding norms
1. The concept of «norm» of Social Rights
2. The Constitution as a «framework order» and as a «fundamental order»
3. The «subjectivation» of Social Rights
4. The question of justiciability
Chapter IV
Forms of protection and limits to the intervention of the Judicial Power
1. The structural «margin of action» and the legislator
2. The «margin for epistemic action» and the binding nature of the Constitution
3. The praxis of the Constitutional Courts of Justice
4. Equality in the sharing of public burdens
5. «Equality criteria» in the face of rights to benefits
6. The use of the State Budget Law to change substantive legal regimes
Chapter V
The limits of constitutional interpretation
1. Interpretation and Social Rights
2. Conceptual change and constitutional change
3. Multipolar relations with regard to the protection of Social Rights
General characterization
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Teaching method
Students take a written test according to the regulations. Alternatively, they may complete a written assignment, maximum 10 pages, including cover page, for assessment purposes.
Evaluation method
Theorical Classes and Case Law
Subject matter
I. The proposed programme, structure and methodology develop synergies between different jurisdictions and legal systems.
II. It is mainly addressed to students, researchers and other legal professionals who intend to pursue academic, research, magistrature, advocacy, diplomacy, and other legal consultancy and advisory activities, intra and extra muros.
III. To encourage, advise and facilitate relations between students and participants in the Course, providing assistance in the interaction and relationship with other services of the Faculty, in particular, with the technical research team of the Library of the Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon.
Programs where the course is taught: