Ocean Governance


The program of the course unit is based on three main objectives: 


O1- Examination and analysis of the main concepts and principles applicable to ocean governance and the sustainability of the sea, with the presentation of the impact of globalization on sea affairs and the empowerment of students to intervene in explaining and discussing the fundamentals of ocean governance 


O2- Framing and exploring the effects of globalization on the management of sea affairs as well as collecting and analyzing information related to the issues of governance and sustainability of the sea


O3- Students should be able to understand and identify the basis for the need for sustainable management of marine resources, recognize the relationship between technological change and developments in marine resource management policies and ocean governance, and understand the convergences and divergences between their local, regional and global contexts

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Jorge Oliveira e Carmo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 0

Teaching language

Available soon


Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Teaching method

Student assessment will be continuous with class participation and preparation of written assignments, their oral presentation in class and discussion among classmates under the guidance of the teacher. Students will be expected to attend class and actively participate in group discussions of various classmates' papers on topics chosen and distributed individually to students in the first few classes. In addition, students will also always have the possibility to be assessed by a final written exam.


Class discussion of program topics: 20%.

Individual report and presentation in class: 40%

Individual written work: 40%

Final Evaluation

Examination of 1st and 2nd season (100%)

Evaluation method

Classes will always be taught in an interactive way, where students will be invited to actively participate in the discussion of the various issues related to ocean governance. The teaching method includes Seminar and Tutorial guidance. The oral presentation will be accompanied by the provision of various materials on the virtual teaching platform and with distance monitoring of student progress in the assimilation of the various subjects. Exercises and practical work, student presentations and class discussion of the various topics will help to establish links between theoretical and practical aspects of the subjects. 

Subject matter

The program of the course unit considers four main contents: 


CP1- Introduction to the concepts and framework in the evolution of ocean governance 

CP2- Regulatory framework and effects of globalization on the new governance challenges

CP3- Technological evolution regarding maritime issues and permanent communication and the dynamics of participatory governance in ocean management and its global, national, regional and local levels of implementation in ocean policies

CP4- Globalization, blue economy and governance from a regional perspective, examples of integrated management of common maritime resources and future trends in the evolution of ocean governance


Programs where the course is taught: