

The main objective of this Course is to provide Students with the current landscape regarding the application of financial technology "FinTech" from a pratical approach as well as its applicable legal framework. The Couse also includes the study of other ancillary issues as InsurTech and Regtech. Therefore, Students will be able to understand the new tendencies of financial markets regarding the application of new technologies (including a regulatory overview). Student will acquire knowledge in sub-fields related to capital markets, banking law, insurance law, data protection, amongst others.

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - Available soon

Total - 0

Teaching language

Available soon


Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Teaching method

Classes will be taught on a theorical and practial basis. Students are always invited to participate actively in the discussions. Some classes will be taught by invited speakers, recongised experts on Fintech.

Evaluation method

At their own discretion, students may write a paper/ essay ¿ Optional Written Essay (OWE). Therefore, Students are not obliged to deliver an OWE. Both Professors shall give prior consent about the OWE¿s object. The OWE: (i) Shall be written in English; (ii) May be written by a single Student or by a group of Students (maximum 3); (iii) Does not have a mandatory minimum number of pages but shall not, in any case, surpass 30 pages (counting from the introduction part until the conclusion); (iv) Must have some sort of legal analysis and scientific approach. Students that submitted the OWE and have been approved may: (i) Attend the Final Exam. In this case: a) If the Final Exam grade is higher than the OWE grade, the Final Score will be the Final Exam grade; b) If the Final Exam grade is lower than the OWE grade, the Final Score will be the OWE grade (ii) Chose to not attend the Final Exam . In this case, the Final Score will be the OWE grade. Students who have not submitted any OWE are required to attend the Final Exam . In this situation, the Final Score will correspond to the Final Exam grade.

Subject matter

1. Introduction to Fintech 

2. Blockchain Fundamentals

3. Fintech, token economy and crypto assets

4. EU regulatory efforts on crypto assets - latest developments

5. Open banking

6. Banks and innovation / programmable money

7. Innovation and evolution of money (state of money)

8. Smart Contracts - significance for Fintech (legal and regulatory frameworks

9. Fintech and Artificial Intelligence

10. ICOs

11. Risks and opportunities for consumers in financial technology

12. Insurtech

13. Portuguese Fintech Start ups presentation