Criminal Law: Specific Offenses


  • Master the concepts underlying the criminal offences covered by the syllabus

  • Apply the general concepts and structures of Criminal Law to the criminal offences under study

  • Know the relevant doctrine and court cases

  • Develop the ability to examine and solve problems, in order to acquire competences for the future exercise of legal functions related to the subject.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Bolina


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 112

Teaching language

Available soon


Recommended prior approved curricular units: Criminal Liability.


Recommended prior approved curricular units: Criminal Liability.

Teaching method

Lectures, discussion of subjects previously assigned and case study based on court decisions.

Evaluation method

The final grade is the highest score of the two following:

  1. Final written exam (100%) or

  2. Final written exam (50%) + Other work (50%)

Subject matter

I. Introduction. The connection between the special part and the general part of the Criminal Code. Systematization criteria.

II. Crimes against life: 1. The protected legal interest. 2. Murder (132), qualified murder (132), manslaughter(133 and 136) and negligent murder (137). 3. Homicide upon victim's request (134) and incitement or assisted suicide (135th). The question of euthanasia.

III. Crimes against bodily integrity: 1. The protected legal interest and the structure of incriminations. 2. Especially crimes of domestic violence (152) and physical abuse (152-A). 

IV. The protection of honour and privacy: 1. Defamation, insult and freedom of expression. 2. Private life abuse (192). 

V. The protection of property and the systematic of theft: 1. The crime of theft as a paradigm of aggression against property (203). 2. Types of theft.



Programs where the course is taught: