Biologia Celular e Molecular
After this unit, students should be able to:
1. Understand the general principles of evolution of life; know the main cellular organelles and their respective function.
2. Understand the principles of the most popular techniques used to study cells. Define the concept of gene and understand the principles of the genetic code.
3. Understand the function of gene regulatory elements. Understand the mechanisms that control gene expression. Understand the principles of DNA replication.
4. Know the cell cycle stages and principles of its regulation. Understand the role of kinases and phosphatases during the cell cycle.
5. Understand the mechanisms underlying alterations in cell cycle regulation. Understand the role of viruses and environmental factors in cancer promotion.
General characterization
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Weekly - Available soon
Total - 78
Teaching language
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory.
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory.
Teaching method
The CU comprises theoretical, interactive sessions. An active participation of students is expected and stimulated.
Evaluation method
Students will be evaluated by a written exam consisting of multiple choice questions. Approval is obtained with 50% of correct answers.
Subject matter
I. The evolution of life.
II. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
III. Chemical components of the cell: structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids.
IV. The genetic code.
V. Biomembranes.
VI. Methods to study proteins and nucleic acids.
VII. Structure of genes and chromosomes.
VIII. Transcription and its regulation.
IX. RNA processing.
X. Nucleocytoplasmic transport.
XI. Protein synthesis.
XII. DNA replication.
XIII. The ER and Golgi apparatus.
XIV. Intracellular trafficking.
XV. The cytoskeleton.
XVI. Cell cycle regulation and cancer biology.