Bacterial and fungal infections


After this unit, students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts in medical bacteriology and micology.
2. Have acquired knowledge on the epidemiology, physiopathology, the different clinical ad laboratory aspects of bacterial and fungal infections with importance in tropical regions, as also its treatment, prevention and control.
3. Be able to manage the differential diagnosis of these infections, namely with respect to febrile syndromes.
4. Recognize the importance of the laboratory and of its methodology in the diagnosis of these infections, especially in relation to adequate samples and to a correct interpretation of laboratory tests results.
5. Know antibiotics and antifungal action mechanisms and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms.
6. Be aware of the poor resource countries conditions and its relation to populations health and with the available resources for clinical practice.
7. Have acquired capacity to adapt to the available resources for the diagnosis and treatment of infections in poor resource countries.

General characterization




Available soon

Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 224

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Teaching method

Lectures: formal, knowledge transmission from teacher to student, adapted to student participation.
Theoretic practical classes: Mainly based in problem based learning (PBL).
Laboratory classes: distribution of a theme to a group of students: a clinical history of a patient suffering from an infectious disease or a microorganism for identification.
The student is expected to perform the adequate laboratory techniques.
Seminars: preparation and presentation of articles on a chosen theme with discussion in a seminary format.
Tutorial classes: interactive, represent the opportunity for the students to pose their doubts about the topics presented and also a time for exchanging ideas.

Evaluation method

Students assessment: mixed test with multiple choice and short open questions, a published article or an article written by the students, discussed and presented or a written report of laboratory training or presentation of any subject in the field of tropical medicine.

Subject matter

I. Basic concepts in bacteriology and mycology. Importance of medical bacteriology and mycology
II. Epidemiology, physiopathology, imunology, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of bacterial and fungal infections important in tropical regions, as for example lepra, TB, plague, tetanus, dermatophytosis, sporotrichosis, mycetomas, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and others
III. Differential diagnosis of these infections and of some of these infections febrile syndromes
IV. Importance of the laboratory and its correct and adequate use applied to the diagnosis of these infections in resource poor countries conditions
V. Action mechanisms of antibacterial and antifungal agents; resistance to antimicrobials: mechanisms, clinical impact (outpatient and in the hospital) and in public health
VI. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis in poor resource countries: minimum quality standards.


Programs where the course is taught: