Business Intelligence I
The main goal of the Business Intelligence course covered in these two semester units is to give students the knowledge and competency related with decision support capacities provided by Business Intelligence processes, along with supporting Data Warehouse structures. These skills include an awareness of the market forces advocating Digital Transformation initiatives, development methodologies underlying modern Business Intelligence strategies and architectures, along with current information technological development in the fields of Business Analytics, Advanced Data Analysis, and Business Performance Management.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Duarte Nuno Antunes Caracol Barros Rodrigues
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Basic knowledge in relational databases (SQL). An introductory-level SQL Crash course is offered at the start of the semester, to all students lacking a basic level of knowledge and experience in this subject area.
Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban (2017) Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0134633282
Larson, Brian (2017). Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Fourth Edition. Mc Graw Hill, ISBN: 9781259641497
Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit, 3rd Edition, 2013, Wiley Publishing
Inmon W. H., Building the Data Warehouse, 4rd Edition, 2005, Wiley Publishing
Imhoff C., Galemmo N., Geiger J., Mastering Data Warehouse Design, 2003, Wiley Publishing
Ponniah, P., Data Warehousing Fundamentals, Wiley Publishing, 2001
Teaching method
This course will include both lectures and labs.
In the lectures we will present the theoretical concepts, case studies and, possibly, some presentations from leading BI vendors. The applied component of the course will take place in the Labs, where students will be shown how to apply the concepts and theories presented in lectures, by leveraging the use of the Microsoft Business Intelligence Platform (SQL Server, SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, along with limited use of Microsoft Azure cloud-based tools) as the teachers demonstrate and provide practical guidance on the joint development of a class project.
In addition, and so as to further reinforce the applied skills and methodologies that the students are learning, they will be required to implement group-based practical projects of their own choosing, as part of the assessment.
Evaluation method
The assessment includes:
a) Project (50%)
b) Final exam (50%)
To successfully complete the course students must obtain a minimum score of 9.5 in the final exam (both seasons), irrespective of marks obtained in a) or b).
Subject matter
T.1 Digital Transformation and Data-Driven Organizations
T1.1 Digital Transformation
T1.2 SMAC (convergence of Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)
T1.3 Industry 4.0
T1.4 Data-Driven Organizations
T.2 Business Intelligence
T2.1 Introduction to Business Intelligence
T2.2 A Framework for Business Intelligence (BI)
T2.3 Intelligence Creation and Use and BI Governance
T2.4 The Major Theories and Characteristics of Business Intelligence
T2.5 Toward Competitive Intelligence and Advantage
T2.6 Successful Business Intelligence Implementation
T2.7 Business Intelligence Today and Tomorrow
T.3 Data Warehousing
T3.1 Data Warehousing Definitions and Concepts
T3.2 Data Warehousing Process Overview
T3.3 Data Warehousing Architectures
T3.4 Data Integration and the Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) Processes
T3.5 Data Warehouses Development
T3.6 Real-Time Data Warehousing
T3.7 Data Warehouses Administration and Security Issues
T4. Data Governance
T4.1 Principles of data governance
T4.2 Privacy and Security - General Data Protection Regulation
LAB 01: Overview of BI I Labs and Project Presentation
LAB 02: Introduction to Data Warehousing
LAB 03: Practical Steps in Building a Data Warehouse
LAB 04: Introduction to the ETL Process
LAB 05: Continuing the ETL Process (Full Load of Staging Area)
LAB 06: Continuing the ETL Process (Enhancing the SA Full Load ETL with Logs)
LAB 07: Completing the ETL Process by Loading SA and DW
LAB 08: Add Conditional Load Possibilities to the ETL
LAB 09: Final review and Power BI exploration of DW
Programs where the course is taught:
- Specialization in Risk Analysis and Management
- specialization in Information Systems - working hours
- Laboral - Data Science for Marketing
- PostGraduate in Data Analysis
- PostGraduate Risk Analysis and Management
- PostGraduate in Business Intelligence
- PostGraduate in Smart Cities
- Digital Transformation
- PostGraduate in Data Science for Marketing
- PostGraduate Digital Marketing and Analytics
- PostGraduate Marketing Research e CRM
- PostGraduate Information Systems Management
- PostGraduate in Marketing Intelligence
- PostGraduate in Enterprise Information Systems