Knowledge Management
We are looking forward to the opportunity we will have to learn and grow together in this course. There are a number of reasons for the growth of interest in these topics, including:
i) The effects of digital transformation and other globalizing forces that are sweeping away many of the traditional sources of competitive advantage, such as location, superior technology and access to capital;
ii) The shift in industrial activity and the commensurate changes in occupational skills required.
Iii) Knowledge residing in the brains of the workers is now the most powerful engine of economic performance and competitiveness; it is the source of innovation, best described as ‘the application of knowledge to tasks and situations, in order to develop new products, processes and services;
iv) The Covid-19 pandemic brings new challenges to the organization of work and to manage effectively knowledge assets.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Guilherme Hidalgo Barata Martins Victorino
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
There are no enrolment requirements for this unit.
Dalkir, K. (2017). Knowledge management in theory and practice. Third Edition. The MIT Press
Outra bibliografia específica e recursos de aprendizagem serão aconselhadas em cada aula, de acordo com o tema da sessão.
Teaching method
The course unit is based on theoretical and practical lectures. Several teaching strategies will be applied, including lectures and demonstrations with slide presentations and "Problem-Based Learning" - PBL. The sessions include presentation of concepts and methodologies, resolution of challenges, discussion and interpretation of results. The practical component is oriented to the resolution of problems and exercises, including discussion and interpretation of results.
Evaluation method
For students that are enrolled for the first time, evaluation consists in:
• 3 individual research assignments
• 3 group problem based learning challenges
• 2 Knowledge Management Quizes covering theoretical concepts
Final grade calculation:
• 1st call – 3 individual assignments (10%), 3 PBL Group Challenges (50%), Quizzes (40%)
Problem Based Learning Challenges are mandatory in this course.
Minimum grade of 8 in the quiz.
• 2nd call – Individual Analysis of the Knowledge Management Challenges (40%), Exam (60%)
Subject matter
Type of Classes and Learning
Success in a problem-based learning approach requires just as much work and effort as success in a traditional classroom. The amount of time you can expect to commit to the class in any given week will vary but it will probably average around 2h30m per week (classes and self-study). This is a fully blended learning course so there will be no mandatory campus visits because all sessions will be live broadcasted. That said, you are strongly advise to be in campus and you will have opportunities to schedule appointments with your professors or face-to-face meetings with your group.
The course is divided into three types of classes:
- fundamentals (theoretical),
- knowledge management interventions (practical PBL sessions) and
- industry guest speakers (seminars):
Theoretical (Presential / Online) – Instructor-led sessions to present main principles and concepts about the subject;
In the theoretical classes, Fundamentals of Knowledge Management will be highlighted the principles of knowledge management and of knowledge work (processes, purposes and contexts). The critical importance of knowledge will be discussed by understanding how these different forms come together to act as a resource that organizations can draw on to perform more efficiently, innovatively, and flexibly (introducing knowledge work: processes, purposes, and contexts). The module will then focus on organizational aspects of knowledge creation, exchange, learning and in knowledge networks/organizational networks (managing knowledge creation in teams and project-based organizations and knowledge work).
Practical / Team Labs – independent time for teamwork and research in order to answer a given challenge/ problem with a suggested framework/template;
Based on Problem-based learning (PBL), a student-centred method in which students learn about knowledge management planning through the experience of solving an open-ended challenge found in trigger material.
Seminars / Guest Speakers (Live / Online) – industry leaders will share best practices and visions about the trends and application of Knowledge Management in real-life scenarios.
Past guest speakers include Accenture, IBM, Jerónimo Martins, Sumol/Compal, EY, Leaseplan, …
Programs where the course is taught:
- Specialization in Risk Analysis and Management
- Specialization in Data Science for Marketing
- Specialization in Marketing Intelligence
- Master Degree in Data Driven Marketing
- Specialization in Marketing Research and CRM
- specialization in Information Systems - working hours
- Master Degree in Data Driven Marketing
- Specialization in Digital Marketing and Analytics
- Specialization in Digital Marketing and Analytics
- Specialization in Marketing Intelligence
- Laboral - Data Science for Marketing
- PostGraduate in Data Analysis
- PostGraduate Risk Analysis and Management
- PostGraduate in Business Intelligence
- PostGraduate in Smart Cities
- PostGraduate in Data Science for Marketing
- PostGraduate in Digital Enterprise Management
- PostGraduate Digital Marketing and Analytics
- PostGraduate Marketing Research e CRM
- Post-graduation in Geospatial Data Science
- PostGraduate in Information Management and Business Intelligence in Healthcare
- PostGraduate Information Systems Management
- PostGraduate in Marketing Intelligence
- PostGraduate in Enterprise Information Systems