Research Methodologies


The focus is on learning and applying scientific methods in data-driven marketing. More specifically, this course aims to assist master students in selecting a research topic and in developing a master proposal in the area of data-driven marketing. In this sense, the course focuses on the choice and development of a research problem, the presentation of the criteria that define the research design decision, the exposure of the methodologies more appropriate to the research problem, and the suggestion of additional bibliography.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Frederico Miguel Campos Cruz Ribeiro de Jesus


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Selection of Journal articles uploaded in Moodle.
Leedy, P.; Ormrod, J. E.; Johnson, L. R. (2023) Practical Research: Planning and Design (13/E). Pearson.
(Available at the Library)
Saunders, M.; Lewis, P. (2018) Doing Research in Business and Management (2/E). Pearson.
(Available at the Library)
Saunders, M.; Lewis, P.; Thornhill, A. (2023) Research Methods for Business Students (9/E). Pearson.
(Available at the Library)

Teaching method

The course is organized in two parts: Lectures and tutorials. The first part consists of 6 lectures held during the Fall semester (1st quarter) of 2023/2024.


This course will use diverse teaching methods to promote students´ ability to develop in an autonomous but oriented way their one-pager master proposal. Students will be challenged to link business with research problems and evaluate scientific papers. The classes should promote the debate between faculty and students, as well as between students themselves, who are invited to comment on the choices made by their colleagues and make suggestions for improvement.


The teaching methodologies aim to develop students´ research skills. Master students must consult the most up-to-date and qualified bibliography on the study themes. By nature, the success of this course will depend on the student´s commitment to it. The objective is to stimulate and support the student in developing his/her proposal for a dissertation or project.

Evaluation method

Assessment is divided into two parts, the first accounting for 35% of the final grade

The remaining 65% will be allocated to the second part (tutorials), which will run from November 2023 to May 2024.


The assessment of the first part requires two tasks: 


(1) Online Quiz (15%)

The quiz will be online in Moodle on October 16, 2023 (18:30).


(2) OnePager MasterProposal (20%)

Each student should register his/her proposal´s type, title, abstract, keywords, and supervisor´s name in the NOVA IMS platform e-thesis and submit the one-pager master proposal. Both should be submitted no later than October 12, 2023.

The content structure to consider in the OnePager MasterProposal is available in the document template “Structured_OnePager_MDDM” on Moodle.

Subject matter


  1. Introduction, Resources, and Master Proposal
  2. Research Topic, Problem, and Approach
  3. Literature Review 
  4. Managing the Research Process and Design
  5. Questionnaire Design, Measurement, and Scaling
  6. Scientific Writing


Programs where the course is taught: