Digital Transformation


Digital transformation (DT) course will provide students the overview of the main drivers that lead companies to competitiveness in XXI century. DT is a continuous complex undertaking process which shapes a organizations and its operations towards digital business strategies. DT has a cross-functional character and need to be aligned with other functional and operational strategies. This course will present the main scientific  DT drivers and how they can be interconected to con tribute to competitiveness of organizational businesses.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Manuela Simões Aparício da Costa


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English


The course will be lectured in English.


Teaching method

This course will be leaded by theoretical and practical sessions, associated with case study analysis, short evaluation quiz, gamified quizes for self-evaluation and a group work.

Evaluation method

Master in Information Management Program (MGI_Program) Regular examination period (1 st Call)
a) Quiz on-line on campus with proctering system (20%)

b) Work group presented on campus (30%)

c) Exam on campus (50%)


Master in Information Management Program (MGI_Program) Resit examination period (2 nd call)

a) Quiz on-line on campus with proctering system conducted during classes (20%)

b) Exam on campus (80%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction to digital transformation facilitators
1.1 Influence of technological evolution and socio-economic changes
1.2 The disruptive technologies acting as digital transformation accelerators
1.3 Servitization and digital transformation. Product Service Systems (PSS) 
1.4 The strategic levers of readiness of organizations for digital transformation
2. The Process of Creating Value
2.1 IT-based business value (ITBBV) theoretical frameworks
2.2 Competitive benchmarking, a practitioners framework
2.3 Human capital role in digital transformation
3. Business and digital transformation methodologies and applications
3.1 The Why, What and HoW for digital and business transformation
3.2 Matrix of Change
3.3 Methodologies for complex and global transformational projects: 7S framework, BPR, BTEP, ESAT, Digital Compass and BTM² (Business transformation management methodology)