Smart and Sustainable Cities


The Smart Sustainable Cities course aims to introduce students to the role digital transformation and information management is playing in the construction of more efficient and climate neutral cities and its scientific study.

Student understanding of the methodologies, concepts and case studies related to the implementation and development of a smart sustainable city, based on the latest technological advances, will be deepened also with the support of NOVA Cidade -  Urban Analytics Lab (

The course will explore solutions that improve the quality of life of the population, sustainable development and social cohesion, while promoting a more efficient use of resources and responding to the challenges of climate change. It will also address open data and its influence on the development and implementation of a smart sustainable city.

During the course the students will develop a group project in the context of Lisboa Lx Data Lab (

General characterization





Responsible teacher

André Figueiredo Barriguinha


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English




Bibliografia constituida essencialmente por recursos online e distribuída ao longo do semestre em linha com o conteúdo dos tópicos cobertos em cada sessão.

Teaching method

The course will be a mix of theory, case studies, real world cases presentations by guest speakers and field trips.

Throughout the semester students will develop as group project in the context of Lisboa Lx Data Lab (

The project will be developed in a partnership with the Lisboa City Hall where the students will be invited toi answer a real challenge faced by the municipality using real data and bringing together expertise in smart sustainable cities leveraged by knowledge in information management and data science. During the development of the project Lisbon Lx Data Lab team will be available for support and advice of the studetns groups. 

In the end of the semester an event will be organized for the public presentation of the results achieved. 

Evaluation method

The final grade will be computed based on the following assessments:

a)           Project (60%)

b)           Continuous evaluation (10%)

c)           Final individual written exam (30%)

To successfully complete the course students must obtain a minimum score of 9.5 in the final exame, irrespective of marks obtained in a) or b).

Subject matter

The curricular unit is organized in trêsLearning Units (LU):

LU1: Smart and sustainable City: Concept; Global and local challenges; Trends

LU2: City planning and management verticals: Governance; Energy, Environment and Buildings; Society and Quality of Life; Economy and Innovation; Tourism; Mobility

LU3: City as a platform: Architecture; Data collection; Data storage; Data analysis; Information Delivery