Leadership and People Management
Nowadays, our society is characterized by an unprecedented fast paced change, especially after the Covid-19 crisis. In this context, managing people and more specifically leading well informed and demanding individuals, is increasingly more complex, and therefore more challenging. This course aims to enrich experienced managers, by providing knowledge and moments of sharing, enabling them to better understand the challenges of team management and leadership. Furthermore, during the course, a self-discovery journey will be carried-out by all students. More than ever, in a society pressured by the constant search for efficiency and profits, maximization, people management surges as a pivotal lever. And as leadership is also based on motivation, preparation and knowledge in this dimension of management, it's imperative for those who are team managers to improve their soft skills. Inadequate people management can derail a well-structured project or organization. A leadership that does not provide, among other things, participation, accountability, motivation, innovation and a clear idea of the path to follow, can jeopardize an entire project or organization. Organizations by their increased complexity, require consultation and coordination, forcing us to acquire skills that go far beyond technical skills. Expectations, objectives, differences of interpretation among others, require knowledge and experience, so that, independently of the types of leadership and people management we use, the end result is aligned with everyone's objectives. Setting and achieving goals is a political / strategic activity requiring options / priorities, and soon in time, agreements and commitments. Only well trained and capable leadership, and adequate people management, will allow people to commit themselves and achieve a common project mission. Another purpose of this course is to promote understanding and learning, to recognize the context of interpersonal relationships, culture and human behaviours which improve our response in the decisions we make as individuals or team managers. Hence, enabling us to achieve better results, as managers and leaders. Thus, as a critical success factor, adequate and effective leadership, fosters positive contributions to ambitious end-results, particularly in demanding environments.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Guilherme Tavares de Oliveira Martins
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese. If there are Erasmus students, classes will be taught in English
Not applicable
"Transformational Leadership", Second Edition, Bernard M. Bass & Ronald E.Riggio, Psychology Press, 2006; "How to Lead", 3rd Edition, Jo Owen, Prantice Hall, 2011; "A Essência da Liderança. Mudança X Resultados X Integridade", Arménio Rego & Miguel Pina e Cunha, RH Editora, 2007; "The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team", John C Maxwell, Harper Collins Leadership, 2013; "Os novos Lideres: a Inteligência emocional nas Organizações", Daniel Goleman, R.Boyatzis e Annie McKee, Edições Gradiva, 2002; "Reinventar-se", Mario Alonso Puig, A Esfera dos Livros, 2011; "Helping - How to Offer, Give and Receive Help", Edgar H. Schein, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009; "Culturas e Organizações: compreender a nossa programação mental", Geert Hofstede, trad. António Fidalgo, Sílabo, 2003 "Cultures and Organizations, Software of the Mind", Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede, Michael Minkov, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Professional, 2010 "Cultural Differences in a Globalizing World, Michael Minkov, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011; "Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team", Simon Sinek, Portfolio/Penguin, 2017 "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action", Simon Sinek, Portfolio/Penguin, 2009 "Peter F Drucker on Practical Leadership", Peter Drucker, Harvard Business Review Press, 2020 "Ferramentas de Team Coaching", Ana Teresa Penim e João Alberto Catalão, Lidel, 2022 "A Mudança Oceano Azul", W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne, Actual Editora, 2018 "Emotional Intelligence" Daniel Goleman,25th Anniversary Edition, Bloombury Publishing, PLC, 2020 "Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't", Simon Sinek, Portfolio/Penguin, 2014 "The Infinite Game", Simon Sinek, Portfolio/Penguin, 2019 "Leading at a Higher Level: Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performing Organizations" Ken Blanchard, FT Press, 3rd Edition, 2018
Teaching method
Classes methodology will tend to practice through active methods (practical exercises, discussion and debate articles) with track experience and expectations of students as well as oral presentations to share and consolidate information.
Evaluation method
Individual and qualitative evaluation of the participants regarding the evolution perceived in terms of program content, participation in sessions, tests and exam. After every 2 classes, there will be a quiz, in a total of six quizes, to evaluate the information given - every quiz will have a weight of 10%, and every student will have to attend five (4 to 5 questions; true or false). (The date will be announced on due time) Final exam 50%, first season: (dates will be announced on due time) Student's, who do not take the five quizzes, are assessed through the final Exam, either done at 1st or 2nd Season, with a weight of 100%. Students who miss the 1st Season, have a 2nd Season opportunity. 2nd Season will be valued, in all circumstances, at 100%. Student's who want to improve the average score end grade, should sign up for the final exam (2nd Season)
Subject matter
Introduction to the Program (... what do we need to understand when we talk about Leadership?) I - MOTIVATION What is motivation? (Motivation; Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; Purpose vs. Reason) Theories of Motivation (Classical and contemporary theories); Organizational climate (The instrument, implementation and benefits) II - COMMUNICATION What is communication? (What is communication?) The importance of communication in organizational context (Barriers, organizational, context and process in communication;) Active listening in Leadership (Interpersonal communication; How to develop active listening? III - EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI) EI concept vs. other intelligences types? (What is emotional intelligence? theories of multiple intelligences; three types of Intelligence;) IQ and EI quotient (Their meaning) Knowing yourself - The five components of EI (The importance of knowing ourselves; Five domains of EI - Daniel Goleman) How to develop our EI? (The six seconds Model - Joshua Freedman; Emotional literacy; hard and soft skills) Emotions & Emotional Control (Types of emotions - António Damásio; The concept of resilience; emotional competencies to be effective in Leadership) IV - LEADERSHIP Leader and Leadership! (What is leadership? How to become a leader? Abilities to be a leader; what means to be a leader?) Leadership theories and styles! (Leadership theories; leadership styles; Transformational and transactional Leadership; The importance of some skills, in Leadership! (Critical competencies to become a leader; Values in leadership; Manager and/or Leader; Leadership learning process; Leadership framework; Leadership and team management! (What is the role of a leader in managing teams; Motivation technics; what is a follower?) The context importance (Ability to read and interpret, organizations and cultural differences in Leadership.) (Primary and secondary mechanisms - Edgar Schein) V - ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE & CULTURE Organizational cultures (What is culture? Organizational Culture - Edgar Schein; How to interpret Culture? (Leading cultural change; Culture differentiation; Culture Dimensions - Geert Hofstede;) Personnel management vs. Organizational culture (The impact in HRM on organizational culture) VI - COACHING What is coaching? What are its objectives? (What is coaching? Objectives!) Types of coaching and the role of the coach (Individual and organizational level; the coach and the coachee) The benefits of Coaching! Personal and organizational level (The benefits of using coach)
Programs where the course is taught:
- Specialization in Risk Analysis and Management
- Specialization in Data Science for Marketing
- Specialization in Marketing Intelligence
- Master Degree in Data Driven Marketing
- Specialization in Marketing Research and CRM
- specialization in Information Systems - working hours
- Master Degree in Data Driven Marketing
- Specialization in Digital Marketing and Analytics
- Specialization in Digital Marketing and Analytics
- Laboral - Data Science for Marketing
- Specialization in Marketing Intelligence
- PostGraduate in Data Analysis
- PostGraduate Risk Analysis and Management
- PostGraduate in Business Intelligence
- PostGraduate in Smart Cities
- PostGraduate in Data Science for Marketing
- PostGraduate in Digital Enterprise Management
- Post-graduation in Geospatial Data Science
- PostGraduate in Information Management and Business Intelligence in Healthcare
- PostGraduate Information Systems Management
- PostGraduate in Enterprise Information Systems