Hot Topics in Qualitative Methods


This is a methodological course (*) aimed at familiarizing students with the conceptual foundations and practical challenges associated with grounded theorizing. Grounded theory now represents a venerable research methodology. 

It is widely used in management and organization research, follows different methodological paths and confronts its users with specific challenges. In this course we will explore the method in practice. In parallel we will discuss some exemplary papers based on grounded theorizing.  

(*2023-2024. The updated course’s syllabus will be available to students at the beginning of each academic term)

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Glaser, B. & Strauss, A. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory. Chicago: Aldine.  

Teaching method

The course articulates discussion and application. It is extremely important that you do all the mandatory work before the class. Class sessions will be interactive by nature and the work will be used to launch the discussion. Lack of preparation, therefore, is not acceptable. The course involves: reading, reflecting, discussing, practicing, writing and collaborating. 

Evaluation method

The grading scale used is typically ranging from 0 to 20 (10 points is considered the threshold pass grade). A qualitative Pass/Fail grading can also be used.

Subject matter

1 - Introduction to grounded theorizing. 

2 - Finding a research question and defining the sample 

3 - Data analysis. First and second order analysis. 

4 - Conceptual leap in qualitative research 

5 - Building theory. Exploring exemplary research. 

6 - Final reflection 


Programs where the course is taught: