Processes and Operations Management


Knowledge and Understanding:
The student should understand the tradeoffs involved in designing and implementing different types of production/operations systems in terms of key characteristics, management tasks, organization and control and their impact on the strategy and direction of the firm. The student should understand the strategic production/operations management issues and their relationship to the other functional areas of the firm.
Subject-Specific Skills:
Develop a basic competence with the tools and techniques used by operations professionals in managing operations
and setting operations policy. Develop an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of operations management in the
traditional domestic setting compared to production environments in other countries around the globe.
General Skills:
Upon successful completion of this course each student will have demonstrated their ability to articulate operational issues and to
apply the techniques presented.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Manuel Sousa Mendes Oliveira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Operations & Supply Chain Management, Jacobs and Chase (JC), McGraw-Hill
Case studies will be available in the beginning of the term.
Other teaching materials (slides, etc) will be posted in the course website.

Teaching method

This course will include a set of different teaching approaches. Lectures will be the predominant form of presentation and
will be complemented by discussion of case studies and in-class exercises. A full interchange between the instructor and
the student is expected. The course will also benefit from a guest lecturer who will visit the class to share their experience in
managing operations.

Evaluation method

The final grade is based on a final exam, a simulation project (with two parts, 8% part#1 and 12% part#2), homework (with
two problem sets), and class participation: Final grade = 40% Exam + 20% Simulation + 20% Homework + 20% Class

Subject matter

The contents of the course consists of five parts:
1 - Introduction: Processes, Operations, Strategies and Competition;
2 - Design, Analysis and Management of Projects;
3 – Supply Chain Management and “The Beer Game”;
4 – Quality Management and Statistical Process Control;
5 - Innovation and New Product Development - Implications for operations.


Programs where the course is taught: