Brand Management


A.Knowledge and Understanding: Understand how to manage and articulate the main branding concepts, including equity,
image, identity, and positioning in any market situation (launch, mature) and for any sector and business size; Be able to
integrate the brand strategy in the broader context of the organization business model and marketing plan.
B.Subject-Specific Skills: Manage a brand step by step: How brands create value? Assessing brand equity, Measuring brand
image, Defining brand identity, Process of brand positioning, Launching a brand / launching a product.
C.General skills and competences: Be able to develop a branding project, balancing academic and theoretical skills with
practical and Market oriented knowledge, Develop an effective group organization and Communication skills, preparing a
clear, concise and well-thought through presentation of findings and recommendations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Kyryl Mykhailovitch Lakishyk


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





KAPFERER, Jean-Noël The new strategic Brand Management, Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking, Fifth Edition, 2012,
Kogan Page KELLER, Kevin Lane & APERIA, Tony & GEORGSON, Mats Strategic Brand Management, A European
Perspective, Second Edition, 2012, Prentice Hall
AAKER, David A. Building Strong Brands, 2002, Free Press Business About Consumer resistance to brands KLEIN,
Naomi No Logo, 2000, Flamingo- Harper Collins Publishers
GODIN, Seth All marketers are liars, the power of telling authentic stories in a low trust world, 2005, Potfolio About new
trends and consumer engagement
BROOKS, David Bobos in Paradise, 2000, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks
GODIN, Seth Tribes, 2008, Piatkus Books About up market and down market
SILVERSTEIN, Michael J. & FISKE, Neil Trading up: Why customers want new luxury goods – And how companies create
them, 2005, Portfolio.

Teaching method

The Course combines several active learning methods: • Lectures to provide the essential branding knowledge, as well as
the appropriate tools to conduct the team project; • In-class discussions and exercises; • Individual in-home written casebased
assignment; • Team project - Besides the final presentations Session the last Class/Session is dedicated to the
project [i.e., teams present their preliminary findings, and receive feedback from to the Instructor]. Teams present their final
project to a panel of brand experts with experience in managing and improving “under-potentiated” brands.

Evaluation method

ASSESSMENT: Team Project: 50%; Individual in-home written assignment: 30%; Participation and attendance: 20%

Subject matter

•Introduction to the main Brand Concepts
What is a brand?
How brands create (or not) value for the consumer?
•Measuring Brand Performance
Introduction to Marketing Research techniques used in Brand Equity and Brand Image analysis
How to measure Brand Equity? How to measure Brand Awareness and Brand Image?
•Branding Challenges and Opportunities
What’s on? What’s next?
•Brand Identity
Introduction to the main Brand Identity models currently in use in the Industry and in the academic literature
•Brand Positioning
Analysis of the main Positioning Processes currently in use in the Industry
•Brand Strategy
Brand Portfolio
Brand Architecture
Brand Extensions
•Brand Building and Brand Management
Defining Brand Elements
Designing Brand Marketing Programs
Designing Brand Communication Programs


Programs where the course is taught: