Seminário de Investigação I
General objectives, the student should:
- Have a detail understanding of the research streams at NOVA-IMS;
- Understand how to formulate a research problem;
- Have a deep understanding of the scientific research process (emphasis on problem definition and literature review);
- Understand the two major paradigms that characterize much of the research in the Information Management: behavioral science and design science;
- Present a research proposal that is coherent and consistent, and proves familiarity with the literature in the area;
- Be able to show that the proposal has a clear and realistic research direction and the student is capable of arguing its feasibility;
Caracterização geral
Professor responsável
Tiago André Gonçalves Félix de Oliveira
Semanais - A disponibilizar brevemente
Totais - A disponibilizar brevemente
Idioma de ensino
Português. No caso de existirem alunos de Erasmus, as aulas serão leccionadas em Inglês
Be a PhD student
Langley, P. (2000, June). Crafting papers on machine learning. In ICML (pp. 1207-1216).
Martha Davies (1997), Scientific Papers and Presentations, Academic Press.
Venkatesh, V. (2011). Road to success: A guide for doctoral students and junior faculty members in the behavioral and social sciences. Dog Ear Publishing.
Webster, J., and Watson, R. T. (2002). Analyzing the Past to Prepare for the Future: Writing a Literature Review, MIS Quarterly (26:2), pp. xiii-xxiii.
Método de ensino
The course works based on a series of seminars held by researchers of the Institute ofStatistics and Information Management and from partner institutions that foster in students a comprehensive overview of research in
Método de avaliação
Evaluation will be based on: One pager (one page A4 with your project) and the presentation (10% of final grade), presentation of most important scientific paper (10%), research proposal presentation (20% of the final grade), the written research proposal (50% of the final grade), and participation and discussion (10%).
When completing Research Seminar I, the research proposal should include a very precise, engaging and knowledgeable problem definition, based on the literature review of the research topic, thoughtful suggestions for the methodological tools to be used and precisely defined research objectives should be.
The proposal evaluation criteria will be:
A. Quality of the literature review (20%);
B. Innovative potential and feasibility (proposed methodology) of the proposal (20%);
C. Scientific relevancy of the proposal (20%);
D. Quality of the problem definition (20%);
E. Overall Quality of the Document (organization, writing quality, and understandability 20%).
To each criteria is attributed a one of four possible grades: 3 (excellent), 2 (good), 1 (sufficient) e 0 (insufficient). The final grade of the proposal will e computed according to the following expression:
Final Grade = A+B+C+D+E+5
The quality of the literature review (A) will take into account completeness but also how it contributes to motivate the research proposal. So it is not just about what have been done in the field of research, but how the current research lead to the research ideas presented, how current research motivates the proposal. Criterion C takes into account the potential scientific impact of the proposed work, with emphasis on the ability to generate new publications.
The Research Seminar I begins with the presentation by the NOVA IMS teachers, of the most important lines of research at the Institute. It is intended that students may have a comprehensive understanding of the research being developed at the Institute so that they can make an informed choice about the subject they choose to study and also about their thesis supervisor. Thus, each teacher will make a presentation of approximately 30 minutes, about the work that has developed, as well as the areas he's interested in pursuing.
A very significant proportion of the scientific work in information managemen today, is based on very sophisticated quantitative methodologies. The second part of the seminar is designed to provide doctoral students with an introduction to these methodologies, including the processes of problem formulation, the definition and data collection, the definition of experimental designs and the use of techniques for building quantitative models . All these methodologies are instrumental in the development of research projects in information management and information systems.
This is a seminar about the research process and not on statistical theory. The aim is to understand the relationship between theory, data and statistical methods. Thus, the course focuses on the idea: "how to use statistical techniques to answer research questions?" It is essential that the student develops the ability to translate ideas into theoretical propositions that can be tested. This ability will be gained through the analysis of scientific papers published in refereed journals, data manipulation and estimation of models and also the analysis of the doctoral work of colleagues in more advanced stages. At the end of the seminar students should be more comfortable with the use of statistical techniques to formulate and answer research questions and be able to critically evaluate solutions proposed by other researchers
At the conclusion of the course the student should:
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