Impérios da Europa Ocidental
Having successfully completed this course, students will be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of:
a) the several dimensions of the Western European colonial empires between the sixteenth and the twentieth centuries;
b) the various historiographical trends in the study of early-modern European colonial rule.
c) recognize the value of the history of the European colonial rule to understand the present-day world;
d) link processes of social change across the European colonial empires with current issues;
e) locate and use a range of sources in the development of assessed work on the Portuguese colonial domination in a historical perspective;
f) enhance your critical thinking about the history of empires and their role in the making of the contemporary world.
Caracterização geral
Professor responsável
Pedro Aires Ribeiro da Cunha Oliveira
Semanais - 3
Totais - 224
Idioma de ensino
A disponibilizar brevemente
Acemoglu, Daren, Johnson, Simon and Robinson, James A. (2001). The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation. American Economic Review. Vol. 91 (5) December
Almeida, Miguel Vale de (2004). An Earth-Colored Sea: <Race,> Culture and the Politics of Identity in the Post-Colonial Portuguese-Speaking World. New York, Berghahn Book
Buttner, Elizabeth (2016). Europe After Empire. Decolonization, Society and Culture. Cambridge, Cambridge UP
Gildea, Robert (2019), Empires of the Mind. The Colonial Past and the Politics of the Present. Cambridge, Cambridge UP
Jerónimo, M. B and Pinto, António C (2015), The Ends of European Colonial Empires. Cases and Comparisons. New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Miller, Joseph C . (2012), The Problem of Slavery as History: A Global Approach. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Paquette, Gabriel (2019), The European Seaborne Empires: From the Thirty Years’ War to the Age of Revolutions. New Haven: Yale University Press
Método de ensino
O curso funciona como um seminário teórico-prático semanal, sendo as sessões temáticas organizadas em torno do debate, sob orientação dos docentes, sobre problemas e questões colocadas pelas leituras obrigatórias previamente indicadas. Complementarmente, serão realizadas algumas visitas de estudo. É portanto fundamental que os alunos estejam presentes e preparados para participar.
Método de avaliação
Método de Avaliação - Em conformidade, a avaliação valoriza a participação dos alunos e, portanto, uma parte da nota final decorre da sua participação nas discussões durante as aulas(20%), Os alunos animarão a discussão de um seminário de leitura de um artigo / capítulo de livro em PDF, colocando as questões iniciais para discussão(20%), Os alunos entregarão também um ensaio final de 4.000-5.000 palavras sobre alguns dos principais tópicos do conteúdo do curso (60%)
1. Western European empires (16th-20th century)
1.1. European colonial rule in the Americas, Asia, and Africa
1.2. Resistance, negotiation, and accommodation to European colonial rule
1.3. European empires, economic growth and globalization
2. Colonial rule, race, and evolving social / cultural boundaries
2.1. Forms of exclusion and inclusion
2.2. Colonial societies, racial thinking, and evolving social / cultural boundaries. Slavery and the transatlantic slave trade
2.3. Contesting the colonial categorization
3. From the “New Imperialisms” to the end of European colonialism
3.1. “Civilizing missions” and colonial rule
3.2. Decolonization wars, late colonialism and anticolonial nationalisms
3.3. Imperial Endgames and Post-colonial memories
4. Performing and Exhibiting the Colonial in Contemporary Portugal
4.1. Performing the nation and the politics of multiculturalism
4.2. From Seville’s Expo 1992 to Lisbon’s Expo 1998
4.3. Black activism and the quest for the decolonization