Dinâmica de Sistemas (Mestrado Europeu)

Objetivos educativos

The European master programme in System Dynamics builds on the strengths of four leading universities in the field: the University of Bergen (Norway), the New University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Palermo (Italy) and Radboud University (the Netherlands). The programme is specifically designed for students who are interested in learning how to initiate strategic change in organizations, supported by the use of computer simulation models.

This master programme is the first international master programme in System Dynamics in Europe. Our goal is to teach you everything you need to know for starting an international career in strategic modeling with System Dynamics. After you have finished our master programme, you will know how to build a System Dynamics model, how to apply it to a variety of real life problems and how to facilitate the model building process with the client, in such a way that not only a high-quality model can be built, but what is equally important, that a strategic change can be achieved and policies can be implemented. No other programme in System Dynamics in the world offers you this combination of model building and group facilitation skills. Furthermore, the programme offers a unique and intense international experience that will prepare you for an extensive international career. First of all, working, studying and sometimes living with your fellow international students will teach you a great deal of intercultural communication and understanding. Second, studying at three different universities in three different countries will help you learn adapt and become more of a cosmopolitan, at home all over the world. All of these skills are highly appreciated by top range employers in the field, and will therefore make you a very interesting job candidate for employers.


Caracterização geral

Código DGES



Mestrado (2.º Ciclo)



Acesso a outros cursos

Acesso ao 3.º ciclo


Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Videira Costa

Data de abertura

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Número máximo de admissões

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1000 Euros/semestre


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Idioma de ensino

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Requisitos para obtenção do grau ou diploma

O Mestrado Europeu em Dinâmica de Sistemas compreende uma parte escolar com a duração de três semestres (90 ECTS) e a preparação da dissertação no 4º semestre (30 ECTS). O ciclo de estudos é oferecido por 4 universidades diferentes no âmbito do programa Erasmus Mundus.
1º Semestre: 30 ECTS na Universidade de Bergen, Noruega;
2º Semestre: 30 ECTS na área de Sistemas Ambientais e Sustentabilidade, na FCT-UNL, Portugal, ou, em alternativa, 30 ECTS na área de Dinâmica de Sistemas na Universidade de Palermo, Itália;
3º Semestre: 30 ECTS na Radboud University of Nijmegen, Holanda;
4º Semestre: Preparação da dissertação (30 ECTS) numa das quatro universidades envolvidas no ciclo de estudos.

Área científica Sigla Créditos (ECTS)
Obrigatórios Optativos
Dinâmica de Sistemas DS 90  
Sistemas Ambientais e Sustentabilidade ou Dinâmica de Sistemas SAS / DS   30
TOTAL 90 30

Condições de acesso

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Regras de avaliação

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