Seminário de Transição em Saúde e Novos Desafios aos Sistemas de Saúde


1.Refletir sobre os principais temas abordados pela literatura de saúde sobre transição;
2.Participar em debates sobre o conceito de transição em saúde e em sistemas de serviços saúde (SSS);
3.Analisar criticamente algumas das teorias sobre transição em saúde e em SSS;
4.Identificar os desafios e as oportunidades que as transições abordadas criam e colocam aos SSS;
5.Abordar aspetos metodológicos na elaboração de projetos de investigação sobre os temas abordados.

Caracterização geral





Professor responsável

Paulo Ferrinho


Semanais - 10

Totais - 40

Idioma de ensino



A disponibilizar brevemente


• Ilyin I., et al. From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals. Globalistics and Globalization Studies. 2016; 380–394.
• Holst, J. Global Health – emergence, hegemonic trends and biomedical reductionism. Global Health 16, 42 (2020).
• Jacobsen K. Introduction to Global Health, Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2014.
• Koplan, J. P., Merson, M. H and al. Towards a Common Definition of Global Health, The Lancet, Vol 373, 2009
• Twaddle AC. Health system reforms--toward a framework for international comparisons. Soc Sci Med. 1996 Sep;43(5):637-54. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(96)00151-7. Erratum in: Soc Sci Med 1996 Nov;43(10):III-IV. PMID: 8870129.
• Hoffman S J, Cole C B and Pearcey M. Mapping Global Health Architecture to inform the Future – Research Paper, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2015.
• Huynen M, Martens P and Hilderink H. The Health Impacts of Globalization: a conceptual framework, BioMed, 2005.
• Woodward D, Dragger N and al. Globalization and Health: a framework of analysis and action, WHO Bulletin, Geneva, 2001.
• FRENK Julio et al, 1991. Elements for a theory of the health transition, Health transition review, vol. 1, n° 1, 21-38.
• Popkin BM. The nutrition transition in low-income countries: an emerging crisis. Nutr Rev. 1994;52:285–298.
• WHO. The WHR 2002. Reducing risks, promoting healthy life. BK (2014) Beyond the ‘transition’ frameworks: the cross-continuum of health, disease and mortality framework. Global Health Action 7, 24804.
• Defo BK (2014) Demographic, epidemiological, and health transitions: are they relevant to population health patterns in Africa? Global Health Action 7, 24804.
• Di McIntyre, Ranson, M. K., Aulakh, B. K., and al. Promoting Universal financial protection: evidence from seven low and middle-income countries on factors facilitating or hindering progress, BioMed Central, Health Research Policy and Systems, 2013.
• Sambo, L. G. Simoes J., Martins, M. R.. Financing Health Care in Low-income developing countries: A challenge for equity in health, Oxford Textbook of Medicine, Chapter 2.16, Oxford, 2020.
• Kentikelenis, A. E., Stubbs, T. HH. And King, L.P. Structural Adjustment and public spending on health: Evidence from IMF programs in low-income countries, Social science and Medicine, ELSEVIER, 2015.
• Kutzin, J. Health Financing for Universal Coverage and Health System Performance: concepts and implications for policy, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2013; 91:602-611.
• Bloom, G., et al. ICTs and the challenge of health system transition in low and middle-income countries. Global Health 13, 56 (2017).
• Bloom, G., et al. Health system innovations: adapting to rapid change. Global Health 14, 29 (2018).
• Figueras J., et al. Health systems in transition: learning from experience. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO, Copenhagen, 2004.
• The Joint Commission. Hot Topics in Health Care: Transitions of Care. The need for a more effective approach to continuing patient care. USA.
• Hepburn C.M., et al. Health system strategies supporting transition to adult care. Arch Dis Child 2015;100:559–564. doi:10.1,136/archdischild-2014-307320.
• Ishizaki Y., et al. Editorial: Advances in Health-Care Transition for Patients With Childhood-Onset Chronic Diseases: International Perspectives. Front. Pediatr. 2018; 6:80. doi: 10.3389/fped.2018.00080.
• Lima M.A.D.S., et al. Care transition strategies in Latin American countries: an integrative review. Rev Gaúcha Enferm. 2018;39:e20180119. doi:
• Dash PJ. The future of hospitals: a consultancy viewpoint. Future Hosp J. 2014;1(1):16-22. doi:10.7861/futurehosp.14.007.
• Caplan GA, Sulaiman NS, Mangin DA, Ricauda NA, Wilson AD, Barclay L. A meta-analysis of “hospital in the home.” Med J Australia. 2012;197(9):512-519.
• Andrade M.V., et al. Transition to universal primary health care coverage in Brazil: Analysis of uptake and expansion patterns of Brazil's Family Health Strategy (1998-2012). PLoS ONE. 2018; 13(8): e0201723. journal.pone.0201723
• Kyratsis Y., et al. Health systems in transition: Professional identity work in the context of shifting institutional logics. (2017). Academy of Management Journal. 60, (2), 610-641.
• Rasanathan K. and Evans, T. G., Primary Health Care , The Declaration of Astana and COVID-19, Policy and Practice, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2020; 98:801-808.
• Olstad DL, McIntyre L. Reconceptualising precision public health. BMJ Open. 2019;9:e030279. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030279.
• Cotlear, D., et al. Going Universal: How 24 Developing Countries are Implementing Universal Health Coverage Reforms from the Bottom Up. Washington, DC: World Bank. 2015. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0610-0.
• Axelson H., et al. Transition from External Aid: Challenges and Opportunities. A Country Consultation Paper for the UHC2030 Working Group on Sustainability, Transition from Aid and Health Systems Strengthening. Technical Report. Think Well. February 2018. 34.
• Ruger JP. Democracy and health. Q J Med 2005; 98:299–304.
• Franco A et al. Effect of democracy on health: ecological study. BMJ. 2004; 329: 18-25.
• Besley T, Kudamatsu M. Health and democracy. American economic review. 2006; 96 (2):313-318.
• Jones CB et al. Predicting Transitions in the Nursing Workforce: Professional Transitions from LPN to RN. ResearchBrief_LPNtoRN_JonesNov2016_final.pdf.
• Zurn P et al. Monitoring health workforce transitions and exits. Monitoringhealthworkforcetransitionsandexits%20(1).pdf.
• Social care workers call on strengthening the workforce perspective in the transition from institutional to community-based care. Transition from institutional to community based care.pdf.
• Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in Health (EXPH). Task shifting and health system design, 26 June 2019. taskshifting_en.pdf

Método de ensino

Após uma exposição teórica de cada tópico os temas serão aprofundados pelos estudantes.

Método de avaliação

Um trabalho final (estudo de caso) de aplicação dos conceitos de transição em saúde e desafios para o sistema nacional de saúde será realizado por cada estudante aplicado a um país da sua escolha.


I. Transição dos ODM para os ODS;
II. Globalização da saúde;
III. Saúde em transição: fatos e teorias;
IV. Transição económica: de PRB a PRM e a PRA;
V. SSS em Transição: factos e teorias;
VI. Transições de cuidados de saúde: fatos e teorias;
VII. Transição nos serviços hospitalares;
VIII. Transição nos CSP;
IX. Iniciativas de Saúde Global: relevância e impacto nos países de renda baixa e renda média;
X. Arquitectura da Ajuda Sanitária Internacional: vantagens e desafios para os países beneficiários;
XI. Transição nos SSP;
XII. Desafios na transição para os Sistemas Universais de Saúde (SUS);
XIII. Transições democráticas e saúde;
XIV. Transições na força de trabalho em saúde.