Imagem, Identidade e Realidade na Literatura Norte-Americana


a) Desenvolver competências específicas no domínio da Literatura Norte-Americana designadamente: competências de comunicação, de interpretação e de análise crítica, assim como sobre a contextualização das obras constantes do programa;
b) Dominar e aperfeiçoar o conhecimento dos mais importantes textos literários do período em estudo.
c) Ser capaz de ler criticamente os textos literários e/ou fílmicos seleccionados.
d) Ser capaz de ler criticamente a bibliografia recomendada e de efectuar pesquisa autónoma
e) Organizar e produzir duas apresentações, uma oral sobre um ou mais textos literários e/ou fílmicos e outra oral e escrita sobre uma das obras de apoio teórico.
f) Organizar e produzir um ensaio crítico sobre um ou mais pontos do programa.

Caracterização geral





Professor responsável

Isabel Maria Lourenço de Oliveira


Semanais - 3

Totais - 280

Idioma de ensino



1º Ciclo


McVeigh, Stephen. 2007. The American Western, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
Deverell, William (Ed.). 2004. A Companion to the American West. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Milner, Clyde A. (Ed.). 1996. A New Significance: Re-Envisioning the History of the American West. New York: Oxford University Press.
Slotkin, Richard. 1992. Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America, New York: Harper Perennial.
Bruce, C. (ed.). 1990. Myth of the West, New York: Rizzoli.
Limerick, Patricia Nelson. 1987. The Legacy of Conquest. the Unbroken Past of the American Western, New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
Robertson, J.O. 1980. American Myth, American Reality, New York: Hill and Wang.

Método de ensino

The seminars are of a theoretical-practical nature with a strong participatory component on the part of the Master's students. The practical component will be highlighted by the oral interventions of the students and the commented analysis of literary, filmic and theoretical texts. The teacher will also guide the investigation aimed at the elaboration of the final essay.

Método de avaliação

The assessment for this course will consist of 2 components:
• Continuous assessment (50%)
• A final written assignment (50%)
Continuous Assessment:
This component will focus on your motivation and performance during the course. It will involve aspects such as: effort expended on the tasks set; quality of contributions during the seminar (presentations, debates, etc.); short written essay; oral presentation on one of the authors/works; general motivation; progress made.
Final Written Assignment:
This could be on a subject related to your oral presentation and should aim to incorporate some of the theoretical perspectives discussed on this course. It should function as an independent study, properly contextualized and accompanied by an abstract and bibliography. The evaluation will consider the expansion beyond the oral presentation. A comparative analysis will be positively evaluated, as well as an original approach to the mythical framework of the West.


The Representation of the West in Contemporary American Literature or 1001 Ways to Die in the West
The seminar aims to provide a (re)view of the representation of the West in North American literature, particularly from the end of the 2nd World War to the present day. The way in which a mythical image of the West was built will be studied, as well as its attempts at deconstruction, under the influence of the new historiography of the West. This approach will make it possible to address the following issues: the background (particularly the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century); The Imagined West(s); The importance and significance of the "open" territory for the construction of a national (and local) identity; The confrontation of myth/image with reality (geographical and human); Male and female models, in particular the "cowboy" archetype; The opposition between West and East; The influence of cinema for the (re)construction of myth.


Cursos onde a unidade curricular é leccionada: