Garantias e Contratos de Financiamento




The objectives of the course are the following ones:

- Examine and analyse the main legal concepts and principles applicable to Risk Management of Financial Contracts;

- Get acquainted with both the theoritical and practical aspects of the subject.

>Present financial operations in the banking and capital markets

>Present different types of guarantees, that is instruments of risk management and mitigation (guarantees propriu sensu and quasi-security)

>Understand the structure and operation of a complex financial agreement

Caracterização geral





Professor responsável



Semanais - 2

Totais - 24

Idioma de ensino



Não aplicável


Joanna Benjamin, Financial Law, 2008

Roger McCormick, Legal Risk in the Financial Markets, Oxford University Press, 2018.

Robert C. Gericke - Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Springer International Publishing, 2018.

Francisco Javier Población García - Financial Risk Management: Identification, Measurement and Management, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Weidong Tian (eds.) - Commercial Banking Risk Management: Regulation in the Wake of the Financial Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017

Philip Wood, Law and Practice of International Finance (University Edition) 2012, Sweet & Maxwell; 

S. Valdez, Ph. Molyneux, An Introduction to Global Financial Markets, 6th ed., Palgrave-McMillan, 2010;

Colin Bamford, Principles of International Financial Law, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Método de ensino

As aulas serão ministradas de forma interativa, onde os alunos serão convidados a participar ativamente nas aulas. O ensino oral será reforçado com materiais adicionais, tais como slides em power point, que serão carregados na plataforma de ensino, disponibilizada on-line. Os exercícios práticos também serão incluídos para ajudar os alunos a fazer a ponte entre a teoria e a prática.

Método de avaliação

O método de avaliação para esta disciplina será um exame final escrito. Além disso, os alunos também terão a possibilidade de serem avaliados através de uma avaliação contínua.



1§.    Introduction: Financial markets as risk transfer markets


2.§.   Raising Capital


I.       Bank loans and contractual guarantees


A.     Different transaction types

1.      (Simple) Bank loans

2.      Syndicated loans


B.      Traditional structure of a loan agreement


  1. The use of standardized documentation in international financial law (namely, relevance of the LMA)


  1. Common contractual provisions and risk management

(a)    Conditions precedent

(b)    Representations and warranties

(c)     Undertakings

(i)      Information Undertakings;

(ii)     Financial Undertakings;

(iii)    General Undertakings (pari passu; negative pledge; and cross default clauses)



II.     Capital Market


  1. Debt

2.      Securitization


3§.       Guarantees strictu sensu


1.         Bank guarantees

2.         Financial collateral arrangements (Dir. 2002/47)