Garantias e Contratos de Financiamento
The objectives of the course are the following ones:
- Examine and analyse the main legal concepts and principles applicable to Risk Management of Financial Contracts;
- Get acquainted with both the theoritical and practical aspects of the subject.
>Present financial operations in the banking and capital markets
>Present different types of guarantees, that is instruments of risk management and mitigation (guarantees propriu sensu and quasi-security)
>Understand the structure and operation of a complex financial agreement
Caracterização geral
Professor responsável
Semanais - 2
Totais - 24
Idioma de ensino
Não aplicável
Joanna Benjamin, Financial Law, 2008
Roger McCormick, Legal Risk in the Financial Markets, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Robert C. Gericke - Corporate Governance and Risk Management in Financial Institutions, Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Francisco Javier Población García - Financial Risk Management: Identification, Measurement and Management, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Weidong Tian (eds.) - Commercial Banking Risk Management: Regulation in the Wake of the Financial Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017
Philip Wood, Law and Practice of International Finance (University Edition) 2012, Sweet & Maxwell;
S. Valdez, Ph. Molyneux, An Introduction to Global Financial Markets, 6th ed., Palgrave-McMillan, 2010;
Colin Bamford, Principles of International Financial Law, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Método de ensino
As aulas serão ministradas de forma interativa, onde os alunos serão convidados a participar ativamente nas aulas. O ensino oral será reforçado com materiais adicionais, tais como slides em power point, que serão carregados na plataforma de ensino, disponibilizada on-line. Os exercícios práticos também serão incluídos para ajudar os alunos a fazer a ponte entre a teoria e a prática.
Método de avaliação
O método de avaliação para esta disciplina será um exame final escrito. Além disso, os alunos também terão a possibilidade de serem avaliados através de uma avaliação contínua.
1§. Introduction: Financial markets as risk transfer markets
2.§. Raising Capital
I. Bank loans and contractual guarantees
A. Different transaction types
1. (Simple) Bank loans
2. Syndicated loans
B. Traditional structure of a loan agreement
- The use of standardized documentation in international financial law (namely, relevance of the LMA)
- Common contractual provisions and risk management
(a) Conditions precedent
(b) Representations and warranties
(c) Undertakings
(i) Information Undertakings;
(ii) Financial Undertakings;
(iii) General Undertakings (pari passu; negative pledge; and cross default clauses)
II. Capital Market
- Debt
2. Securitization
3§. Guarantees strictu sensu
1. Bank guarantees
2. Financial collateral arrangements (Dir. 2002/47)
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