Transformation Methodologies and Solutions


The general objectives for this curricular unit (CU) are:

  • Introduce digital transformation concepts important for a global, holistic project of business transformation enabled by digital technologies
  • Contextualize the enterprise technologies involved, especially in cloud computing implementation model, which are part of a digital core of an organization
  • Introduce the typical research models of information management field
  • Present and explore large project methodologies for digital and business transformation

Caracterização geral





Professor responsável


Semanais - A disponibilizar brevemente

Totais - A disponibilizar brevemente

Idioma de ensino

Português. No caso de existirem alunos de Erasmus, as aulas serão leccionadas em Inglês


No prerequesites.


Método de ensino

Exposition and discussion; Case-Studies work with presentations and discussion; Seminars with external guests from the industry

Método de avaliação

a. Two practical team Case-Studies, which account for 45% of the grade, distributed in the following way:

  • 1st Case-Study: 15%;
  • 2d Case-Study: 30%

b. Final Exam, graded at: 55 %

The grading scale goes from 0 to 20.


  • Introduction to enterprise digital transformation
  • Enabling technologies for enterprise digital transformation
  • Seminar: The market analyst point of view: IDC Worldwide business applications market
  • Case-Study (1)
  • Value and Performance research in digital transformation and business solutions
  • Methodologies and frameworks: 7S framework, BTEP, ESAT, and BTM²
  • BTM² (I) Meta-Management & Direction levers
  • BTM² (II) Enablement levers
  • Case-Study (2) for BTM² application
  • Seminar of use-cases of digital transformation
  • BTM² (III) Evolution, Lessons learned from real cases. Case-Study work session
  • Case-Study presentations and discussion


Cursos onde a unidade curricular é leccionada: