Desenvolvimento Pessoal I
O objectivo do curso é preparar os alunos para trabalhar e estudar, dando-lhes as ferramentas para se candidatarem a
emprego ou estágios num ambiente de língua inglesa. A UC deve também ajudar aqueles que estão a estudar
UCs que estão a ser ensinadas em inglês, uma vez que os alunos serão expostos à língua inglesa nas aulas e terão
a oportunidade de praticar a sua capacidade de falar, ler, escrever e ouvir em inglês. O curso é prático
e concentra-se no PROCESSO de completar as tarefas delineadas nos objectivos do curso. A ênfase não está em
gramática teórica, mas os estudantes irão analisar algumas formas gramaticais e lexicais relevantes que são necessárias para
alcançar os resultados da aprendizagem. As tarefas práticas permitem que os estudantes pratiquem em contextos significativos. As aulas
concentrem-se no inglês geral e de negócios que requer a participação activa dos estudantes. Todas as aulas são realizadas em
Caracterização geral
Professor responsável
Manuel Esmeraldo Rodrigues
Semanais - A disponibilizar brevemente
Totais - A disponibilizar brevemente
Idioma de ensino
Português. No caso de existirem alunos de Erasmus, as aulas serão leccionadas em Inglês
Attendence is not compulsory, but participation contributes to the final evaluation. If the student is absent they are not participating.
Método de ensino
The basic methodology is communicative, influced by Task Based Learning and the Lexical Approach. Students learn by completing tasks, such as writing a report or preparing for a job interview, focussing on the process rather than the product. The classes are student centred with an emphasis on pair work and participation. The classes are very practical and no Portuguese is spoken by the Teacher.
Método de avaliação
Evaluation is by continuous assessment and is based upon:
Attendance/Participation - 10%
Formally Set Tasks - 90%
There is no Final Exam
The tasks include one formal authentic CV to be prepared in Students`own time. The other tasks will be chosen from formal transactional emails, reports, propsals, covering letters etc. There will also be a speaking test. These tasks (tests) will be taken in class on dates to be found on IMS online.
The level of linguistic expertise required to pass the CU is based on the "Can Do Statements" or competencies at Level B2 of the Common European Framework (CEFR) which can be found here:
The course is a practical one focussing on the PROCESS of completing the tasks outlined in the couse objectives. There will not be a lot of theoretical grammar but students will look at some relevant grammatical and lexical forms that are needed to achieve this. Practical tasks enable the students to practise in meaningful contexts. Classes focus on general and business English requiring active participation from the students. All classes are held in English. Students will learn how to
• write their curriculum vitae,
• reply to job advertisements with an appropriate letter of intent
• talk about their educational and work history and their professional objectives in an interview situation
• write effectively in a variety of formats - proposal/report/email etc
Cursos onde a unidade curricular é leccionada: